Consisting of 3 independent members and their alternates, the committee advises the Board of Directors on matters related to audit, risk management, best corporate practices, compliance, evaluation and compensation.


The committee is integrated by 16 core members and 41 champions and ensures respectful treatment for all employees and vendors, as well as equal opportunities for recruitment, personal development, and professional and social growth, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religion, ideology or age.

The committee, composed of 7 members (2 permanent and 5 rotating periodically), monitors compliance with the GCC's code of ethics.

We encourage our stakeholders to submit their inquiries and suggestions related to ethics and governance through the following anonymous communication channels:

Phone: 01 800 062 4008

Led by the CEO and integrated by 8 members, the committee is in charge of developing GCC’s sustainability strategy, while identifying impacts, risks and opportunities that may arise in the social and environmental fields.
